Do Teachers Give Too Much Homework & How Much Is Enough?

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In recent times, parents and students alike have complained about heavy homework amount. Sometimes, teachers give students a lot of homework, depriving them of much-needed rest. However, the question is, how much homework is too much?

In a country like Shanghai, students around 15 years are given approximately 9.4 hours of homework per week. This means the average time spent on homework is 82 minutes of homework per day.

On the other hand, in a country like Finland, students do less than an hour of homework daily. In the US, the 10-minute rule is applied, in which ten minutes are added per grade. This article will explore the downsides of too much homework and the standard amount that is healthy for students.

What should homework look like?

Before we dig into the proper structure of homework, let’s address the question “should kids have homework?

Yes, kids should have homework. Giving homework is not wrong; however, it should be done in moderation. Homework should not be something that kids will want to run away from.

So, how do you make homework appealing? What should homework look like?

  1. It should be structured so that the student can better grasp what has been taught.
  2. It should be creative and analytical. Try infusing art into it.
  3. Homework should be something that students can look forward to. It should be something that the student can enjoy doing. Try new ideas and gives assignments that allow students to get adventurous and connect with all their senses.
  4. Incorporate incentives into it. When students know they stand to gain something when they score well in their homework, they’d be more devoted to it.
  5. Allow for breaks – teachers don’t have to give homework every day. Give your students a breather.
  6. Focus on and prioritize the quality of assignments rather than the quantity. A long-term project may have better impact compared to sloppy daily assignments.

The downsides of giving too much homework

Assignments are meant to improve learning and build reading interest among students. However, it becomes an issue when it becomes more of a burden than a learning opportunity.

While homework is essential, there are several downsides when too much of it is given to students. Here are some downsides of too much homework you should note.

  • Fatigue and stress: research conducted in 2015 revealed that students performed poorly in Math and Science when given more than 100 minutes of homework daily. Giving too much homework can be harmful to students. It could lead to poor performance as a result of stress. A student who is unable to get enough rest will not be able to learn anything the next day. Inasmuch as you want to help the students learn better, rest should be protected. Teachers need to consider the time that will be spent doing homework before giving them. Giving students homework that keeps them up late is not a good idea.
  • Academic apathy: once a student begins to associate homework with fatigue and stress, it makes learning burdensome. Such a student sees learning as a punishment and loses interest. This means that homework has harmed such a student.
  • Little room for real improvement for struggling students: giving too much homework to students may also be detrimental to struggling students. Some students have to work while going to school. Such students may be forced to choose between getting an education and making a living. If so much homework is given without considering this category of students, it will have negative effects.
  • No social life: finally, giving students too much homework deprives them of the fun they need at their age. It is not uncommon to hear a teenager respond with “I have too much homework when asked by a friend to go out to catch fun. Sometimes, the kids cannot participate in family moments because they are under the pressure of homework.

What’s the right amount of homework: how much is enough?

Having highlighted the negative impacts of giving too much homework, the question is, how much is enough? How much homework per grade should be given to students?

The ten-minute rule should be applied when giving homework. As the grade goes up, ten minutes should be added. This means grade 1 has ten minutes of homework, grade two twenty minutes, and so on. This will help teachers evaluate if they are giving too much or too little.


The major purpose of homework is to enhance learning. If homework elicits frustration on the part of the student, it has yet to achieve its purpose.

Homework should be designed to help students practice skills and learn while having fun. It should also respect family time. That way, it will be appreciated and effective.

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